Gulden in Figures: June
Gulden in figures for the month June 2018, by Aat de Kwaasteniet. These are the average daily prices of Nocks and Bittrex.
Amount of Gulden in Circulation
1 June | 30 June | Growth by Mining |
G469.934.700 | G471.704.500 | G1.769.800 |
Block 749121 | Block 766819 | Amount of blocks 17698 |
1 June | 30 June | Change |
€0,0740 | €0,0585 | -20,9% |
The lowest price was achieved at: 30 June € 0.0585.
The highest price was recorded on : 2 June € 0.0760.
The moving 30-day monthly average over the month of June was €0.0660. This represents a difference of -19% compared to the previous month.
Unfortunately, the price has again shown a downward trend with some small peaks upwards that did not materialize. This trend was also seen at BTC and unfortunately the price of Gulden is still under strong influence of Bitcoin. And although we would like to see the price go up a bit, the reality is that the growth of new Gulden users does not outweigh the manipulation by the big players on the market who apparently want to keep the price low.
Historical Numbers
The annual chart shows that we are lower than last year.
Date | June 2014 | June 2015 | June 2016 | June 2017 | June 2018 |
NLG-Price | €0,0005 | €0,0007 | €0,0018 | €0,0965 | €0,0660 |
Difference* | – | +40% | +157% | +5261% | -31% |
Tradevolume | €22.608,64 | €24.515,67 | €68.095,24 | €7.101.434,20 | €2.711.774,22 |
*compared to last year
Total Tradevolume
June was also characterised, for the fifth month in a row, by a stagnating market. Due to the low exchange rate, trade was weak, as was the case last month. Only 41,417,279 Gulden were traded, the same level as last month and due to the lower exchange rate this resulted in a Euro turnover of € 2,711,774.22, 19% less than previous month.
Growth of Slackmembers
We have welcomed 17 new members on slack this month and are now at 2,780 members. The number of people who are active daily fluctuates around 250 users per day which is slightly less than last month. The long awaited PoW2 release on June 28 shows as considerable peak in the number of users.
Community news of the past month
• The most important news event for the Gulden Community this month is of course the release of the PoW2 Gulden 2.0 update on June 28th.
• This month the Footgolf tournament was sponsored by Gulden.
• A new crowdfunding has also been launched. This time to sponsor a karting talent.
• From June 25th, you can easily buy larger quantities of Gulden on the homepage by linking your verified Nocks account!
• A new version of the Nocks Checkout app has been published.
• In one go, ten new Gulden acceptors were added to the city of Groningen by a joint effort of Jeroen Bakker and Nocks.
New Retailers over the last two Month:
Handelsonderneming Reitsma BV– Metal Recycling Company Reitsma BV
Blockchain Denim – Crypto fashion
The Proof – Hairstyling in Groningen
Cafe de Toeter – Café in Groningen
Dinercafé Soestdijk – Diner in Groningen
Café De Kale Jonker – Café in Groningen
Cappuvino – Café and Wines in Groningen
Eetcafé Diep – Diner in Groningen
Café ‘t Vaatje – Café in Groningen
Café de Klikspaan – Café in Groningen
Stardust – Vintage Fashion in Groningen
Kokotoko – Fashion in Groningen
Pragmotion – Webdesign
Webcartoonsstudio – Cartoon Studio
Mannl Schilderwerken – Painter
Bananenboxer – Market stall. See Video