Preview 2020
By Rijk Plasman, CEO Gulden BV.
The beginning of the year is always a nice period, the less productive days are over and it’s time for action again. Although my days weren’t really that less productive… I’m always working on crypto, it’s just too interesting and promising. For the masses it seems to be quiet, but there is a lot of movement and this is when the opportunities arise. 6 years ago there was also such a moment, that’s when I started with Gulden.
Gulden now enters its seventh year, which makes it one of the older cryptocurrencies. But only in terms of age. In terms of technology Gulden has matured, but has also become efficient and very capable. The basis is almost ready, phase 4 of the Witness project will be completed in the first quarter. Sigma runs better than we could have imagined, we have made mining more accessible and the blockchain even safer. Gulden is ready for large-scale use. So what now?
The Gulden project went through a big change last year. Where I used to set the direction, now the Gulden advisory council does while representing the community. The decentrality of the blockchain is now reflected in the rest of the project. This advisory board has a capable and loyal development team at its disposal. In 2020 (and 21,22,23…) we will continue to build Gulden, but what we build is now in the hands of the community. I myself found this quite a difficult change, because it meant that I had to put my vision aside and that was sometimes quite frustrating. I now realize that this is what Gulden needs in order to grow further. Not the vision of one person, but that of an entire community. I’m convinced that this is going to deliver great things.
I’ve always been busy with ease of use, improving, making new technologies accessible and I’m always looking for opportunities in that area. And it is precisely in crypto that there are so many opportunities. It’s inside me and I can’t sit still. In 2020 I’m going to seize those opportunities, using everything I’ve learned and together with the special people I’ve gotten to know thanks to crypto. A second adventure, because the first one also remains in full swing. Soon I’ll explain more about it, but of course you can already approach me if you want to use your talent.
It is 2020. Be open-minded and positive, we’re living in a fantastic time.