GAB: Discord, Exchanges and DEX news!
From the GAB Team:
Last wednesday 20-05-2020 there was another online GAB meeting, including Rijk, to further discuss last week’s situation. Our decisions for the future of Gulden were already published by us last week. Here are the other points we discussed in this meeting.
1.Discord server
From within the community the question was raised to start a Gulden discord server. This is a chat medium that would exist next to the current community slacks. Robby has experience with Discord and is already running 2 channels. He is willing to start up a Gulden Discord. Jaap will contact the people from within the community who asked for a Discord and will work together with them to get it launched.
2. DEX
This decentralized exchange will be runnning on the Gulden blockchain and the fees for the exchange will be in NLG. For Gulden users the DEX will be integrated in the wallets. But next to that we are also looking into a stand-alone DEX application, where users can trade several Crypto. In this way more people will get in contact with Gulden, since the user-friendly DEX we are intending to build is running on the Gulden blockchain.
3. Exchanges
Rijk is having, and has had, several meetings with exchanges. This concerns both Exchanges we are already listed on as well as for NLG new exchanges. There is no info to share yet on the results of these meetings. The relationship with Bittrex is very good and there is no fear for a delisting from that exchange.
4. Support Chat
On the Gulden.com website, users with questions can seek support over a Suppor Chat option. These questions are being answered by Gulden volunteers. Lately the number of questions over this support chat have risen, while the number of volunteers has declined. This results in the fact that not every single support-chat on the website is answered in the timeframe we want to. Do you think you are good in helping people out with user questions regarding Gulden? Just drop a line in the #support channel of the guldencom Slack.